Tree Board

Tree Board Regular Meetings:  First Thursday at 11:00 am in the conference room at city hall.

The City of Oxford is blessed with an abundance of trees. They are a major part of Oxford’s heritage and define much of its character. The Master Tree Plan is dedicated to the principle that today’s decisions and actions about trees are a key part of tomorrow’s heritage. The primary purpose of this Plan is to establish a vision for the future, using cultural factors unique to Oxford along with landscape and urban design criteria. This “vision” will be gradually implemented by the execution of detailed Action Plans to be developed annually for the approval of the Mayor and the Board of Aldermen.

Hume Bryant, Co-Chairman
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Cowan Hunter, Co-Chairman
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Ed Croom
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Mary Hartwell Howorth
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Greg Pinion, Building and Grounds Superintendent
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Ryley Butler, Administrative Assistant - Engineering Department
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