Animal Resource Center Updates

October 26, 2021

In an effort to be fully transparent as we have been since the City of Oxford took over the animal shelter, we wanted to announce that effective immediately we have a new Interim Director of the Animal Resource Center. Kelli Mize Briscoe was named Interim Director yesterday in a Special Called Meeting of the Board of Aldermen. Former Director Nicole Young, who resigned yesterday, made great strides in preparing for the success of this Animal Resource Center. Due to Covid-related issues and difficulty in receiving building supplies, our shelter is still under construction. We are nearing the end and can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.

We are fortunate to have a great team in place at the Animal Resource Center. We are headed in very positive direction and have employees working every single day to provide excellent care for Oxford's animals in need. Animal sheltering is a rapidly evolving field. As we continue to move forward, and to give every pet a fair chance at a live outcome, we know it is critical to have a leader who not only welcomes change, but can lead their team and embrace the evolution of animal sheltering.

"I look for employees who find solutions rather than make excuses, who recognize that they are part of a team and that every staff member and volunteer is critical to our success. Kelli is that person," said Mayor Robyn Tannehill. "She has proven that she has incredible work-ethic and servant leadership skills, exhibits an unwillingness to fail, and a belief that every animal counts. Kelli has worked for the City of Oxford for almost six years and understands the customer-service oriented culture we are passionate about demostrating in all of our City departments."

To view the animals currently being cared for at the Animal Resource Center, please visit

If you are interested in serving as a volunteer, we hope to be able to welcome you soon! Volunteers must be Board approved to be covered by the Animal Resource Center insurance policy. Please email Kelli at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you would like to be added to the list of potential volunteers.

Oxford Animal Resource Center Press Release
